Basic introduction to using NeutronPy

In this tutorial the basic features and layout of NeutronPy are described, covering primarily their most typical usage. The more in-depth tutorials are linked within their respective sections. Installation is addressed on the main page and will not be covered here. I am assuming the use of a python shell, like ipython or or idle.

Importing and using NeutronPy

My recommendation, and personal use mode, is to import neutronpy under the namespace npy, i.e.

>>> import neutronpy as npy

The modules and essential classes can then be accessed as follows

  • npy.Data - Data class for handling neutron data
  • npy.Energy - Energy class for converting neutron energy to various units and vise versa
  • npy.Fitter - Fitter class for performing least-squares fits
  • npy.Instrument - Instrument class for calculating Triple-Axis resolution
  • npy.Lattice - Lattice class for performing geometry calculations
  • npy.Material - Material class for performing structure factor calculations
  • npy.Sample - Sample class for use in the Instrument class
  • npy.constants - constants module containing the constants used in NeutronPy
  • npy.functions - functions module containing various commonly used functions
  • npy.gui - gui module containing the GUI for resolution calculations gui.launch
  • - io module containing file handling functions
  • npy.models - models module containing commonly used dispersions
  • npy.spurion - spurion module containing spurion calculator for common spurions
  • npy.symmetry - symmetry module containing the SpaceGroup class

Other modules, classes, etc. are not imported into the npy namespace by default, since they are used only internally, but can be accessed e.g.

>>> from neutronpy import data

Handling Data

To load a known filetype, like SPICE, ICE or ICP

>>> data ='path_to_file')

Multiple files can be loaded simultaneously (data will be combined into a single object). Otherwise, if the filetype is unknown data must be loaded separately, e.g. if you have an ascii format file

>>> import numpy as np
>>> h, k, l, e, counts, monitor, temperature = np.loadtxt('path_to_file', unpack=True)

and a Data object can be then created by

>>> data = npy.Data(h=h, k=k, l=l, e=e, detector=counts, monitor=monitor, temp=temperature)

Data objects can be added together, quickly plotted, and basic analysis can be performed. For more details see Data handling with the Data Class and Data.

Converting Neutron Energy

To easily convert neutron energy in e.g. meV to wavelength in Angstrom

>>> wavelength = npy.Energy(energy=10).wavelength

To print all of the available conversions for one value

>>> print(npy.Energy(energy=10).values)

For complete documentation see Energy.

Fitting Data

To perform least-square fitting you must construct a fitting function, and a residuals function, e.g.

def function(p, x):
    return p[0] + p[1] * x

def residuals(p, data):
    x, y, err = data
    return (function(p, x) - y) / err

Note that the residuals return is automatically squared. You then construct the Fitter object, and perform a fit using initial parameters

>>> fit_obj = npy.Fitter(residuals, data=(x, y, err))
>>> = [0, 0])

The fitted parameters can be accessed by the Fitter.params attribute, i.e.

>>> fitted_params = fit_obj.params

More details can be found in Least-squares fitting with the Fitter Class and Fitter.

Calculating Triple-Axis Resolution

To calculate the resolution of a Triple-Axis instrument, you must create an instrument and a sample. A basic default instrument and sample and can be constructed by

>>> instr = npy.Instrument()

Resolution ellipses can be calculated for a single or multiple positions in reciprocal space by

>>> q = [1,1,0,0]
>>> instr.plot_projections(q)

More details can be found in Resolution calculation with Instrument class and Instrument and Sample.

Using the Triple-Axis Resolution GUI

To launch the gui using a python command line

>>> import neutronpy as npy
>>> npy.gui.launch()

Currently, to set new values, press TAB after entering value.

More details are available in Using the Resolution Calculation Graphical User Interface.

Performing Lattice Geometry Calculations

It is possible to calculate several values for a given crystal lattice, defined e.g.

>>> lattice = npy.Lattice(4, 5, 6, 90, 90, 90)

From this Lattice object the lattice type, volume, and reciprocal values can be found, e.g.

>>> lattice.lattice_type
>>> lattice.volume
>>> lattice.reciprocal_abc

The d-spacing, q and 2theta values of a given reciprocal lattice point can be obtained by

>>> q = [1,0,0]
>>> lattice.get_d_spacing(q)
>>> lattice.get_q(q)
>>> lattice.get_2theta(q)

Finally, you can obtain the angle between two planes defined by their normal vectors by

>>> a = [1,0,0]
>>> b = [0,1,0]
>>> lattice.get_angle_between_planes(a, b)

More details are available in Lattice.

Performing Structure Factor Calculations

To perform structure factor calculations you must first construct a Material object. In this example we build a simple Aluminum crystal. We first define the crystal with a dictionary:

… code-block:: python

def_Al = {‘name’: ‘Al’,
‘composition’: [dict(ion=’Al’, pos=[0, 0, 0])], ‘lattice’: dict(abc=[4.0495, 4.0495, 4.0495], abg=[90, 90, 90]), ‘space_group’: ‘Fm-3m’}

Then we create the Material object >>> Al = npy.Material(def_Al)

We can then obtain the nuclear structure factor at a single point by

>>> q = [1,1,1]
>>> Al.calc_nuc_str_fac(q)

For more information see Form Factor calculation with the Material Class and Material.

Finding Aluminum Spurion Positions

One can easily find the positions in 2theta of spurious Aluminum peaks which have scattered from the holder or sample environment, given an incident energy by

>>> energy = 14.7
>>> npy.spurion.aluminum(energy)

More details can be seen in aluminum.