Basic introduction to using NeutronPy ===================================== In this tutorial the basic features and layout of NeutronPy are described, covering primarily their most typical usage. The more in-depth tutorials are linked within their respective sections. Installation is addressed `on the main page `_ and will not be covered here. I am assuming the use of a python shell, like ``ipython`` or or ``idle``. Importing and using NeutronPy ----------------------------- My recommendation, and personal use mode, is to ``import neutronpy`` under the namespace ``npy``, `i.e.` >>> import neutronpy as npy The modules and essential classes can then be accessed as follows * ``npy.Data`` - :py:class:`.Data` class for handling neutron data * ``npy.Energy`` - :py:class:`.Energy` class for converting neutron energy to various units and vise versa * ``npy.Fitter`` - :py:class:`.Fitter` class for performing least-squares fits * ``npy.Instrument`` - :py:class:`.Instrument` class for calculating Triple-Axis resolution * ``npy.Lattice`` - :py:class:`.Lattice` class for performing geometry calculations * ``npy.Material`` - :py:class:`.Material` class for performing structure factor calculations * ``npy.Sample`` - :py:class:`.Sample` class for use in the :py:class:`.Instrument` class * ``npy.constants`` - :py:mod:`.constants` module containing the constants used in NeutronPy * ``npy.functions`` - :py:mod:`.functions` module containing various commonly used functions * ``npy.gui`` - :py:mod:`.gui` module containing the GUI for resolution calculations :py:func:`.gui.launch` * ```` - :py:mod:`.io` module containing file handling functions * ``npy.models`` - :py:mod:`.models` module containing commonly used dispersions * ``npy.spurion`` - :py:mod:`.spurion` module containing spurion calculator for common spurions * ``npy.symmetry`` - :py:mod:`.symmetry` module containing the :py:class:`.SpaceGroup` class Other modules, classes, etc. are not imported into the ``npy`` namespace by default, since they are used only internally, but can be accessed `e.g.` >>> from neutronpy import data Handling Data ------------- To load a known filetype, like ``SPICE``, ``ICE`` or ``ICP`` >>> data ='path_to_file') Multiple files can be loaded simultaneously (data will be combined into a single object). Otherwise, if the filetype is unknown data must be loaded separately, e.g. if you have an ``ascii`` format file >>> import numpy as np >>> h, k, l, e, counts, monitor, temperature = np.loadtxt('path_to_file', unpack=True) and a ``Data`` object can be then created by >>> data = npy.Data(h=h, k=k, l=l, e=e, detector=counts, monitor=monitor, temp=temperature) Data objects can be added together, quickly plotted, and basic analysis can be performed. For more details see :doc:`data` and :py:class:`.Data`. Converting Neutron Energy ------------------------- To easily convert neutron energy in e.g. meV to wavelength in Angstrom >>> wavelength = npy.Energy(energy=10).wavelength To print all of the available conversions for one value >>> print(npy.Energy(energy=10).values) For complete documentation see :py:class:`.Energy`. Fitting Data ------------ To perform least-square fitting you must construct a fitting function, and a residuals function, e.g. .. code-block:: python def function(p, x): return p[0] + p[1] * x def residuals(p, data): x, y, err = data return (function(p, x) - y) / err Note that the residuals return is automatically squared. You then construct the ``Fitter`` object, and perform a fit using initial parameters >>> fit_obj = npy.Fitter(residuals, data=(x, y, err)) >>> = [0, 0]) The fitted parameters can be accessed by the :py:attr:`.Fitter.params` attribute, i.e. >>> fitted_params = fit_obj.params More details can be found in :doc:`fitting` and :py:class:`.Fitter`. Calculating Triple-Axis Resolution ---------------------------------- To calculate the resolution of a Triple-Axis instrument, you must create an instrument and a sample. A basic default instrument and sample and can be constructed by >>> instr = npy.Instrument() Resolution ellipses can be calculated for a single or multiple positions in reciprocal space by >>> q = [1,1,0,0] >>> instr.plot_projections(q) More details can be found in :doc:`instrument` and :py:class:`.Instrument` and :py:class:`.Sample`. Using the Triple-Axis Resolution GUI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To launch the gui using a python command line >>> import neutronpy as npy >>> npy.gui.launch() Currently, to set new values, press TAB after entering value. More details are available in :doc:`gui`. Performing Lattice Geometry Calculations ---------------------------------------- It is possible to calculate several values for a given crystal lattice, defined e.g. >>> lattice = npy.Lattice(4, 5, 6, 90, 90, 90) From this ``Lattice`` object the lattice type, volume, and reciprocal values can be found, e.g. >>> lattice.lattice_type >>> lattice.volume >>> lattice.reciprocal_abc The d-spacing, q and 2theta values of a given reciprocal lattice point can be obtained by >>> q = [1,0,0] >>> lattice.get_d_spacing(q) >>> lattice.get_q(q) >>> lattice.get_2theta(q) Finally, you can obtain the angle between two planes defined by their normal vectors by >>> a = [1,0,0] >>> b = [0,1,0] >>> lattice.get_angle_between_planes(a, b) More details are available in :py:class:`.Lattice`. Performing Structure Factor Calculations ---------------------------------------- To perform structure factor calculations you must first construct a :py:class:`.Material` object. In this example we build a simple Aluminum crystal. We first define the crystal with a dictionary: ... code-block:: python def_Al = {'name': 'Al', 'composition': [dict(ion='Al', pos=[0, 0, 0])], 'lattice': dict(abc=[4.0495, 4.0495, 4.0495], abg=[90, 90, 90]), 'space_group': 'Fm-3m'} Then we create the ``Material`` object >>> Al = npy.Material(def_Al) We can then obtain the nuclear structure factor at a single point by >>> q = [1,1,1] >>> Al.calc_nuc_str_fac(q) For more information see :doc:`material` and :py:class:`.Material`. Finding Aluminum Spurion Positions ---------------------------------- One can easily find the positions in 2theta of spurious Aluminum peaks which have scattered from the holder or sample environment, given an incident energy by >>> energy = 14.7 >>> npy.spurion.aluminum(energy) More details can be seen in :py:func:`.aluminum`.