neutronpy package

Members[Q, h, k, l, e, temp, …]) Data class for handling multi-dimensional scattering data.
energy.Energy([energy, wavelength, …]) Class containing the most commonly used properties of a neutron beam given some initial input, e.g.
lsfit.Fitter(residuals[, derivatives, data, …]) Wrapper for LMFIT, which is a high-level extension for scipy.optimize.leastsq.
instrument.instrument.Instrument(*args, **kwargs) An object that represents either a Triple Axis Spectrometer instrument or a Time of Flight Instrument configuration, including a sample.
crystal.lattice.Lattice(a, b, c, alpha, …) Class to describe a generic lattice system defined by lattice six parameters, (three constants and three angles).
crystal.material.Material(crystal) Class for the Material being supplied for the structure factor calculation
crystal.sample.Sample(a, b, c, alpha, beta, …) Private class containing sample information.


Module contents

NeutronPy: open source python library for neutron scattering data analysis