
A class for a collection of scans

scans : Ordered dict

A dictionary of scan objects

num_scans : int

The number of scans


waterfall([x, y, label_column, offset, fmt, …]) Create a waterfall plot of all the scans in the collection
pcolor(x, y[, z, clims, color_norm, cmap, …]) Create a false colormap for a coloction of scans.
func_col(col, func) apply a function to a column an return the value for each scan
min_col(col) find the minimum of a given column in every scan of the collection
max_col(col) find the minimum of a given collum in every scan of the collection
mean_col(col) Take the mean of a given column in every scan of the collection
update(scans_dict) Update the scans_dict to include the dictionary scans_dict This will update any scans that are already in the class and will append those that are not.
scans_check() Check to see if their are scans in the object.